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写真 2021-03-12 2 27 30.jpg

Manār / pendant light / Ø75 × 235

I love cylindrical pendant lights. A cylinder seemingly floating in air is by itself a beautiful, universal objet, but I wanted to give it a new twist. It is extremely difficult to work on an objet when it is already simple and beautiful on its own. If you make a mistake, you could end up with nothing more than a cheap copy, or you could needlessly rob the object of its appeal. The task is to refine the object, making minimal changes that breathe new value into its form and concept.

There are many different perspectives that can be taken on tools and their place in our lives. The same shape can be used decoratively to create unique rhythms, or to create different expressions and impressions depending upon the angle of viewing. Once I understood this I became able to add new interpretations to the relationship between constantly moving visual lines and unmoving objets.

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