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Life and Longing

Everyone is a poet in his own house. You see the reality before your eyes, the suffering of others, The hidden wishes and desires, and you pray.

When you eliminate reason and focus on emotion itself, every action has completely different significance, completely different rationale, and completely different objectives.

Words were created for silence. What is it we are supposed to create? What has been lost?

In a world full of information and things, where our peace and silence are robbed, it is to our tools we must look for quiet.

This is what gives meaning to vague space. 

I am a designer. Observing people's lives, observing your own life, and giving form to the wisdom and longing hidden within. Bringing form to hidden prayers. For the love of the sun, small gardens and the human spirit.

An author once said, "when you bring reality into reality, the sun sets and the vacation is over". I want my designs to bring a more dreamlike state into reality.

Beautiful dreams brought into reality. Soft rays of the morning sun. A never-ending vacation.

I want to bring that kind of design to the lives, the living rooms, the studies, the windowsills, and the dinner tables of people no matter how near or far.  

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